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Greg Pagonakis

President, Glenmore Community Association

On behalf of the more than 900 Glenmore homeowners, I welcome you to our website. I am glad that you have found us.


This website is full of great information. We strive to keep it up to date and as easy to use as possible. So, take a look around, link to the various pages using the top menu bar, and just explore! If you want to know something but cannot find it, simply shoot me an email by clicking on my photo to the left. I commit to you that myself or someone from our Community Management Group, Associa, will be in touch shortly.


The buttons, below, will link you to specific topics you might find beneficial or of interest.


Whether you are a first time visitor to our site or a long time resident, thank you for using Glenmore's online presence. Let us know how we can improve.




Greg Pagonakis

President, Glenmore Community Association

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