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GCA Committees

In 2023 GCA Board culminated its two-year Path to Governance initiative and approved an historic reorganization of the GCA to meet the challenges of a growing, vibrant community. The Blueprint reconfigures ten GCA committees outlined in the 2020 Strategic Plan to seven. It allows ‘form to follow function’ and brings the organizational structure in alignment with the way the GCA works in concert with our management firm, Associa, to maintain and enhance our community.

To view an organization chart detailing the relationship of these committees to the Board of Directors and to the members (owners) of the Glenmore Community Association click here

Standing Committees

Finance Committee

The Budget & Finance Committee provides oversight of the financial dealings of the GCA. It prepares annual budgets for approval by the board, including revenues, expenditures, and reserve funding, and provides ongoing guidance on accounting and budget issues.


David Canavan, Chair, GCA Board

William Wurtzell                    

Robert Creeden

Investment Advisory Subcommittee:

David Canavan, Chair, GCA Board

Robert Creeden

Eric Johnson                    

Dennis Yang                    

Governance Committee

The purpose of the Governance Committee is to confirm that: 1) the Association’s governance model and supporting governance documents support the needs of the community and are internally consistent and in compliance with the Virginia Property Owners’ Association Act and state and federal requirements; 2) annual meetings, nominations and elections, and other board actions are conducted in compliance with GCA governing documents. The Committee serves as a liaison between GCA Standing Committees and the GCA Board when concerns about GCA governance documents are raised.


Judy Fox, Chair

Thom Callahan, GCA Board

Nelson Roth

Advisory Committees

Architectural Review Committee (ARC)

As build out of Glenmore nears completion, the Board of Directors approved (April 2023) combining the functions of the Architectural Review Board (ARB) and the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) The newly chartered ARC is for both approval of all new construction and landscaping and has the responsibility of approving alterations to buildings, structures, or landscaping on members' properties within Glenmore. ARC meets as needed to review submissions. Please apply on-line to submit your changes per the community requirements as the review process is still in place. Monthly status reports for the ARC Committee are included in the monthly Board meeting packet.


As always, please reach out to Megan Burch, our Associa Site Manager ( with any questions or concerns. Members of the GCA are always welcome to attend ARC meetings.

Saul Kerpelman, Chair, GCA Board

Existing Homes

Team A

Dottie Martin, SHA, Lead              

Thomas Callahan

Paul Skelly, Highlands


Team B

Kathleen Long, BCA, Lead

Anne Bienawski  

Stewart Ferguson

Tamara Freeman

New Homes

Team C

Gardner Lloyd

Greg Pagonakis, Ex-Officio


Common Area Management (CAM)

Glenmore is a premier, gated country club community. It is the function of the CAM committee to effectively oversee the maintenance and improvements to all common areas, owned by the Glenmore Community Association (GCA), in a way to preserve and enhance the aesthetics of the community, provide and maintain such amenities within the common areas such as walking paths, multi-use trails, entry gardens, greenways, general use parks, the Equestrian Center Parcel, storm water infrastructure, roadways and other specific areas as need, and to comply with all necessary state and county regulations in doing the same. The CAM committee is also the steward of the Common Area Master Plan for all Glenmore
common area assets.

Tyler Schaff , CAM Chair, GCA Board

Thom Callahan, CARB Chair, GCA Board

Bill Cromwell, Equestrian

Anne Poland, Water Chair

Diana Ferguson, Roads Chair

Sub-Committees of CAM

Common Area Review Board (CARB)

As provided for in our Covenants and Restrictions, the CARB has the responsibility for approving any alteration, building, or landscaping on common areas within Glenmore. In practice this is extended to oversee the maintenance of such areas, and to recommend improvements to maintain or improve aesthetic appearance. CARB is responsible for the maintenance of walking/riding trails, entrance aesthetics, playground and sports field.

Certain high-visibility areas, such as the gatehouse area, grassy road medians, and roadsides on Glenmore Way, Piper Way and Paddington Circle, receive weekly mowing and trimming service during the growing seasons. The trees in these areas also receive regular care. The roadside grass in front of all vacant lots is mowed on a monthly basis. The other common areas, such as those beside and behind most of our home sites, are maintained as “natural areas”. The intent is to maximize their use as wildlife habitat, watershed, air purifier and natural forest beauty. Trees in these areas are rarely taken down or removed.

Thom Callahan, CARB Chair, GCA Board

Angelo Kidd

George Heffner

Jeb Baker, BCA

Deborah Conway

Mark Fitzpatrick,  SHA

Frank Keplinger

Jody Smith

Bob Stamps

John Maxwell, Highlands

Equestrian Center Oversight

Bill Cromwell, Leader

Roads Subcommittee

Diana Ferguson Chair, GCA Board

Water Resources Subcommittee

Anne Poland, Chair, GCA Board

Nancy Canavan

Kristen Carter

Tom Hedstrom

Team Leader, Liza Moorman

The Invasive Warriors Team

The Invasive Warriors mission is to: 

  1. To maintain the beauty and health of Glenmore’s natural areas

  2. To identify, mitigate and eradicate the most noxious invasive plants in Glenmore

  3. To promote growth of native flower and tree species

  4. To utilize uniform and measured control methods to optimize efficacy and minimize damage to natives

The Team

Liz Burns

Nancy Canavan

Bob Cox

John Cranford

Cathy Martiens

Tom Hedstrom

Diana Ferguson

Cathy Skelly

Anne Poland

Community Engagement Committee (CEC)

The purpose of the Communications Committee is to advise the Board of Directors with respect to the achievement of effective communication to and among the owners and residents as prescribed by, but not limited, to provisions of the Virginia Property Owners Association Act, § 55-510. The primary responsibility of the Communications Committee is to advise the Board of Directors on issues affecting the dissemination of information to the Association membership. The CEC is also responsible for authoring and distributing the GCA-wide newsletters and emails, the website, and the associated IT systems that enable these functions.

Greg Paganokis, GCA Board ex-officio

Dottie Martin

Safety & Security Committee

This committee has the responsibility for overseeing Glenmore's security measures, including the operation and management of the gatehouse. It also works with Albemarle County Police Department and Neighborhood Watch on issues relating to security, including organizing off-duty police patrols.

William "Chip" Christian, Chair, GCA Board

Mark Fitzpatrick

Ray Kobyra

Gardner Lloyd

Dottie Martin

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